Ok, i cut my hair. I grew it out, only trimming it like 3 times sence i found out i was prego... but short is more me! The family pictures down below is the "before" this is after!
I havnt gotten my family pictures back yet, but Liz gave me a sneek peek...
Yes, i know we dont "match" i didnt want weird matching outfits, i wanted normal casual comfy pics... to bad i cut all my hair off the next day!
This wasn't at the party, but Shey and jessie fit together like puzzle peices (even before he was born)
There was a big party for all the cancer survivors, and we all went for dad.
can you tell my haircut????
yes, i know its sideways... its my first blog video... turn your head to the side. but at least you can see some live action:). Plus i decided this is about as good as it gets scrapbooking wise, this is my online scrap book... hopefully your sound doesnt work...(sorry about the comentary)
Hunter, and sorta Martha. haha
This was Ethans favorite ride at 7 peaks. seriously, he was in there the whole time. Summer says he loves it in there. why wouldnt he? shade, food and drinks... he was so cute talking and playing in there by himself the whole time.
Jessie enjoying some watermellon
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
this is a blury picture, but i wanted to post a update and its kinda borring without any pictures... plus he has very few with his dad! And from some of the comments i think i need more words on here...
Jessie update!!! Jessie turned 6 months on the 9th. He is defantly at the fun age where he interacts, and laughs and plays games with you. He LOVES songs. he gets this real silly cute laugh when I sing to him and swing him in the air. His favorite are "once there was a snowman" and "3 little monkeys" . Jessie is sitting up real well and loves to be on the floor, and although he can't crawl yet, he gets where he wants to go! its fun to watch. He will see something he wants that is out of reach and he rolls, scoots, and rolls some more until he gets it. He loves to "get out" he will be fussy or just hard to entertain, and we just get in the car and go somewhere and he loves it. He loves walks, but i think his favorite is the store. its fun for me because I always have a shopping buddy!
He now, along with his milk diet, eats rice cereal, squash, carrots, peas,(least favorite) and tryed green beans for the first time today. He also loves the biter cookies, and baby puffs. Oh, and i cant forget water! he goes crazy when he sees me getting his sippy cup of water. he does not take a bottle very well but loves his sippy cup!
Jessie weighs 16 lbs. which is kinda small for his age (in the 19th percentile) but has a big head! (in the 90th percentile) haha! its so cute though. He is 27 inches long.
Jessie loves to sleep, i did when is was a baby too so thats one thing he got from me! he will sleep for 10-12 hours strait, then wake up and eat then want to sleep for another 2-3 hours! i wish i could do that! but it has made it nice to be able to have quality time with Chuck and still get enough time to sleep.
Jessie is so much like his dad. he looks a lot like him (when Chuck was a baby and now) and they do so many simular things. its fun to watch thoes two together.
We took family pictures today. It will be a couple weeks before we get them back, but i will post them. i think they turned out good, except Jessie wasnt to happy (he just had shots), and was tired... sorry liz :).
Jessie is the center of our lifes! I never knew how happy a child could make you. He is my special boy! I smile several times a day when i am not with him, just thinking about him, and when i am with him, when he smiles at me, it melts my heart. We love him so much!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
oops, forgot this one but i loved it. you cant see their legs but they are spidering. :)
The family came over for dinner today then we went to the park and play. Jessie is not really smiling in any cause hes experiencing all the new things. We all had to have a turn (and photo shoot) with him.
Here is another dog Jessie loves. Rowan. he rides him around with a big smile on his face!
Any one who has held him knows... he has claws like wolverine!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
This one is for sheybe, this is not a sad face, its just his thinking face :) it was raining and i was carring him and he liked the rain. He was blinking in it and smiling.
ok, its kinda a weird picture... but it was the only one you could see one of his 2 bottom teeth. its kinda blurry, but its there. i took about 20 pics trying to get a good one...
Jessie LOVES dogs! he goes crazy over them. this is my parents dog, Shaka.
Friday, June 5, 2009
I did not pose him for this picture! he wanted to show martha he loves baby einstien. thankyou!
Jessie loves 7 peaks. he even has floppers! but his feet are to small for any shoes that really fit, we fake it though. :)
This is Jessie's new cuddles that he loves! he even picked it out at the store himself! P.S. sierra it is just like your girls but an elephant!!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Jessie's first tooth is coming in! I cant believe he is that old!! I don't have any pictures yet, (right now you can only feel it) but i wanted to share!!!
me and ethan spider swinged at his birthday. he is looking at me so cute because i was blowing bubbles for him. Jessie loves to model for pictures. seriously... he is sad, and then out comes the camera and he models and smiles for it! All the nephews have got to enjoy this chair! just hanging out at ethys birthday