Tuesday, June 23, 2009

This wasn't at the party, but Shey and jessie fit together like puzzle peices (even before he was born)

There was a big party for all the cancer survivors, and we all went for dad.

can you tell my haircut????


  1. oh my i love those family ones im not kidding they look so cute!!! except what the creed i dont like how he is situated in the picture becasue chuck is like in a werid squat??? also i love me and jessie but i didnt want sierra to see my hair before i decided if i liked it?? oh well i quess i do but its still so werid to see myself?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ok your going to be so annoyed that i commented again because your going to think you have all these comments from people when it really is just me. but i forgot to comment on us fitting together like puzzle pieces even before he was born i love that part because it is true and im so happy you remember!!! ps yikes i hope my razer sharp chin doesn't go in Jessie's soft spot????
